To apply for all forms of financial aid (including the Federal 工作人员ord Loan and Federal Work-Study), 你必须填写FAFSA, 哪些可以在网上完成 / fafsa.

你计划参加WCC的FAFSA应该每年提交一次. 应该在1月1日之后尽快提交. 在理想的情况下, you should wait until after you have filed your federal income tax return since that information is necessary to complete the FAFSA. 我们秋季学期的优先日期是5月1日, 春季学期11月1日开学, 4月1日为夏季学期. It is recommended that you file the FAFSA at least one month prior to these dates in order to be considered a priority applicant.


FSA ID是指登录某个特定的U - agent系统时需要使用的用户名和密码.S. 教育部(ED)网站. Your FSA ID identifies you as someone who has the right to access your own personal information on ED websites such as the 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA®) at / fafsa.

如果你是孩子的父母 依赖学生如果你想以电子方式签署孩子的FAFSA,你需要自己的FSA ID. 如果你有一个以上的孩子上大学, 您可以使用同一个FSA ID来签署所有的应用程序. 请注意:每个FSA ID用户必须有一个唯一的电子邮件地址.

当您的资格被审查时,您将收到邮件通知. 你也可以登录www查看你的学生账户.“.个电流.edu>My WCC>VCCSSIS89: Student Info Center>Self Service>Student Center. You will see items that you are lacking for your file to be complete (To Do List) as well as seeing your award once your file has been reviewed.

监护父母和现任配偶,如果有的话,必须填写FAFSA. 非监护父母不需要在FAFSA上报告他们的信息. 然而, the custodial parent must include child support received from the non-custodial part on Worksheet B of the FAFSA.

You can only be considered independent if you meet one of the following criteria: are 24 years old by December 31 of the involved aid year, 我是美国的一名老兵.S. 非训练目的的武装部队或现役军人, 都结婚了, 你是孤儿还是法庭的监护人, 或者有子女或受抚养人从你那里获得超过一半的经济支持. 如果您不符合这些条件之一, 你必须在FAFSA上提供你的亲生父母或养父母的信息, 不管你是否和他们住在一起,或者是否从他们那里得到任何经济支持.

Your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is the amount you and your family are estimated to be able to contribute towards your education in a given year. 这不是你实际需要支付的金额. Your EFC is listed on your Student Aid Report (SAR) based on the processing results of your 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA). Your EFC also assists the 金融援助 Office in determining your financial need and your eligibility.

审查你的学生资助报告(i).e. FAFSA的结果)以确保准确性. 如果有任何信息不正确, 进行必要的修改并重新提交给联邦处理人员. 更改可以在www上在线进行 否则,请保留SAR以备记录. The 金融援助 Office will receive your information electronically; therefore, 没有必要向我们提交你的SAR.

You will usually hear something by mail within a week or so of the 金融援助 Office receiving the results of your FAFSA. 请记住,一旦你向教育部提交了你的在线FAFSA, it normally takes about a week or two for the application to be processed and for the results to be sent to the schools you listed. 因此, 如果你在网上提交了FAFSA, the turnaround for receiving a response from the 金融援助 Office is approximately 2-3 weeks from the time you submit it.

一旦你的FAFSA和任何其他要求的项目由财政援助办公室审查, 你将收到一份获奖通知. 此通知将概述您的经济援助资格.


如果收入减少是由于非自愿行为造成的(例如.e., 被解雇, 下岗, 或者变得残疾), 联系财政援助办公室申请特殊情况表格. 填写并提交表格, 以及适当的文档, 提交给财政援助办公室考虑. 通常可以考虑预计的年度收入. 这些考虑是在学生的要求和个案的基础上作出的. 如果收入的减少是自愿的(i.e.(如你选择减少工作时间或辞职),这不会被考虑. 在这种情况下, you may only see the change in eligibility when you file the next year’s FAFSA using the current year income.

每年你都需要通过更新你的FAFSA表格来重新申请经济援助. 以这种方式, changes in your family's financial situation and changes in WCC’s tuition and fees can be considered. 因此,你的经济援助资格可能每年都在变化.

你必须首先填写FAFSA表格,如上所述. 有一个关于FAFSA的联邦工作研究的问题, 哪些是你应该积极回应的. 如果你有资格申请这个项目,并且你申请了足够早的经济援助, 作为经济援助计划的一部分,你将获得联邦勤工俭学奖学金. 如果不是这样的话, 你可以来财务援助办公室提醒我们你对这个项目感兴趣. 在那个时候,你可以完成一个申请. Please be advised that there are far more applicants eligible for work study than available positions.

这是一个赚钱支付日常个人开支的机会. You are not required to accept a Federal Work-Study position but we ask that you inform us of your disinterest as soon as possible in order for these limited funds to be re-awarded to another interested student.

你将按工作时间每两周领取工资. 这些资金是你的,你认为适合你的教育相关费用. 但是,学费和书本费不能计入FWS的收入.

你必须首先填写FAFSA表格,如上所述. 你必须计划注册至少6个学分,并且累积GPA达到2分.0或更高. 贷款申请流程可在网上完成 http://www.“.个电流.edu/apply-student-loan. Be sure to read all of the information on that web page before beginning the loan application process.

如果你在FAFSA上证明了经济需要,你将有资格获得补贴贷款. 如果没有,你将有资格获得无补贴贷款. The federal 政府ernment pays the interest that accrues on a Subsidized Loan while you are in-school and in your grace period prior to repayment. 对于无补贴贷款, you are responsible for paying the interest quarterly or capitalizing it to your principal loan balance. 如果你负担得起的话, 金融援助办公室建议在利息累积时支付利息. 以这种方式, you will only owe the principal loan balance when you enter repayment and will not have any accumulated interest.

You may charge your books to your financial aid on specified dates in the bookstore if you have excess funds after tuition and fees are deducted. 您将需要一份您的课程表副本,您的学生证号码(i).e. EMPLID),以及有效的身份证明形式.

You are awarded for the Fall and Spring Semesters based on the assumption that you will enroll full-time (12 or more credits). 如果你不注册全日制, 在添加/删除期结束后,您的援助将按相应比例分配. 根据你注册的实际学分数,你将获得暑期学期的学分. 如果你在获得奖励后放弃任何课程,你的援助也可能按比例分配.

如果你在你的账户上有信用余额(扣除学费和, 如果适用的话, 书店费用已付), a financial aid refund check will be generated by the 业务 Office and made available to you after your financial aid has been disbursed.

这通常发生在每学期开始后的一个半月左右. 如果你期待从贷款中获得退款支票, 您将通过电子邮件收到通知,告知您这些资金的可用日期. 贷款退款支票通常在补助金退款支票大约一周后提供. 


If you receive federal financial aid and stop attending or withdraw from all of your classes during the first 60% of the semester, 你将被要求偿还你所获得的援助的一定比例. 联邦援助包括联邦佩尔助学金, 联邦SEOG, 联邦ACG, 联邦斯塔福德贷款, HETAP, 和CSAP. The 金融援助 Office will send you a letter informing you of the amount of funds you need to return. 您将向营业处付款.

是的,你可以. 如果你经常退课,你也会失去你的经济资助. You must meet our standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to maintain your financial aid eligibility. 请记住,除了这些标准,你还必须保持至少一个2.累积绩点为0,才有资格获得联邦斯塔福德贷款. 当你申请经济援助和每个学期结束后,你将被审查SAP. 如果你不符合标准,你将收到一封通知信. 当由于SAP而失去经济援助资格时, 学生可以从自付基金中支付课程费用,直到补足不足. 如果满足所有其他标准,可以在接下来的学期恢复资助.

If you did poorly or withdrew from your classes as a result of an extenuating circumstance beyond your control, 你可以提出上诉. 如果你的上诉被批准,你的助学金将恢复一个学期,并有规定. 上诉, complete a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form and submit it along with any supporting documentation to the 金融援助 Office.

你每学期只能在一个以上的机构获得联邦佩尔助学金. 如果你在同一学期就读WCC和另一所学院或大学, 你需要填写一份《博彩平台网址大全》,并将其提交给你的接收机构(如.e. 另一个学派). We can combine your enrollment at WCC with your enrollment at the other institution when pursuing your aid. 在大多数情况下, 你需要从接收院校的自费资金中支付课程费用. 如果您在WCC的经济援助超过了您的费用,您将收到退款支票, you can reimburse yourself at that time for some or all of the expenses paid at the host institution. Please keep in mind that you can only pursue this option if the classes taken at the host institution will be transferred back to WCC and applied to your degree or certificate.

夏季学期的处理方式与秋季和春季学期非常不同. Students who did not attend WCC during the previous academic year would be required to complete a FAFSA, while returning students will receive the appropriate summer financial aid application in their student email.

财政援助办公室颁发助学金、奖学金、贷款和勤工俭学. 商务办公室收取不包括在经济援助范围内的大学费用. 商务办公室还会为你生成经济援助退款支票.

财政援助办公室的工作人员可以帮助你. 中国博彩平台:

电话: (800) 468-1195

直达(M-F,上午8点至下午5点): (276)223-4706

电子邮件: askfinaid@“.个电流.edu